Wednesday 6 April 2016

Thomas Paterson 1845-

One of the lessons I have been taught is to read and re read documents; and here is the result!

The memorial plaque pictured in the previous post with the initials "M.T." at the top has confused me for some time with a pencilled note that a Margaret Hunt is buried in the Hunt plot.
I believe someone had assumed that the Daniel Hunt buried there is Daniel Hunt , policeman and nephew of Richard Hunt , and husband of Margaret Bray.But it isn't. The burial is of Daniel John Hunt , Richard's bachelor son.

I had another "reread" of Janet Barry nee Paterson's death certificate. She died 10 September 1957 in Sydney where she had lived for 48 years, which has her arriving about 1910.
Janet was Richard Hunt's grand daughter and daughter of his daughter Catherine Hunt who had died when Janet was only 4 years old.
On her marriage certificate Janet lists her father as Thomas Paterson, schoolmaster. On her death certificate he has gained a "t" and was a schoolteacher.
On Catherine and Thomas's marriage certificate, 5 August 1869,  Thomas is a labourer and had 2 "t"s.
Their "Intention to Marry" certificate also says Thomas had only lived at  Hampden Town (Tikokino) for 12 months prior to the marriage.

Sally Butler and Judy Mathews' book "Tikokino A History 1855-1990" records that a Thomas Paterson was employed as Master between 1866 and 1867. His successor  arrived at the school and reported to the Inspector of Schools saying " I beg to inform you that I find that all the land belonging to this school, except about one sixteenth, is planted with potatoes and barley, which crop has been sold by the late Master Mr Paterson to Dr Todd of Waipawa for the sum of 5 pounds."

Except  Excerpt "snipped" from Janet's death certificate

I believe that the "M.T." is for Mary Catherine  and Thomas Paterson, Richard Hunt's son in law installing the old man's memorial plaque after his death, his having survived all his children except Winifred who was living in Wellington with her husband Henry Collins. 

I cannot lift your hand father dear
Your face I cannot see
But let a friend's token tell
That two still remember thee

But where are you Thomas Pat(t)erson? There is a lot of information about a school teacher of the same name in Invercargill and Dunedin but the marriage dates dont allow for "our" Thomas's marriage to Catherine. Did you go to Australia with your daughter Janet and her children Desmond and Denzil ?

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